Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Registration !

So today we had registration and it was hot. Very hot. Like seriously hot. D: But it's alright since most of it was in rooms. But wait! The rooms didn't have air conditioning. Oh so fail. At least it didn't take that long though. About an hour I believe? I guess so. I mostly hung out with Dayna, Minday, Ceci, Yen Nhi, & Carol. I saw some other people, but just not that close to them I guess. D': My ID is seriously ugly. Don't ask to see it because I'll say no. It's not my fault the room was hot and stuffy and the lady made me turn my head to the bad side where like no hair is showing. ): Plus that icky blackhead I had. Whatevers. I know some of you want to know my schedule but guess what. I'm changing classes! So you'll have to wait for my definate schedule because I don't know how it will play out or anything. I plan to take Latin as a language and be super smart and talk to myself and people will think I'm possessed! :'D Those books are heeeeavy. Like really heavy. How am I supposed to carry those around daily? My back is going to be dead after the first day I bet you. Plus, if I change to Latin I'm sure they'll have a book too. So that would make five books in total. Oh dear. The biology book is so big. I love it! /biology&life science nerd. I think that's all that happened today. Can't wait to see everyone else on the first day of school!

Nananina !


  1. The books were a serious pain D:
    I could have gone early so we can stand next to each other in line xD But then no...

    They didn't even bother looking at the numbers on the ticket D;

  2. LOLOL. I was looking at the biology book yesterday right before I went to sleep. BAAAD IDEA.

    Haha. I learned about leeches&worms&mollusks. CREEEPY STUFFS, mang. D:

    & look at the bright side, you don't have to carry 6 books like a junior/senior. 8D

  3. >____> i didnt even carry my books to store in the locker.. a dude offered to do it so he helped me. and then i dropped my wallet chuz i was holding like 2 books and then he was like. OH. I'LL GET IT. and he bends down with like 5 books in his hands... i felt bad ._. chuz he was shorter than me.. LOLOLOL.
    i feel like a nerd michaela D:

    i has english worldhistory &biology honors
    then spanish algebra 2 and tennis.. and the thing that sucks is that i dont know who's teaching me.. what room number it is.. and what order it's in ! D: ima get lost at bolsa.. LOLOLOL. i shall miss you forever miss nina D:
